
The Wagtail Grapple configuration is contained inside a single Django setting - GRAPPLE.

For example, your project’s file might include something like this:

    "APPS": ["home"],
    "ADD_SEARCH_HIT": True,
    # ...

Accessing settings

To access any Wagtail Grapple setting in your code, use the grapple_settings object. For example.

from grapple.settings import grapple_settings


The grapple_settings object will check for any user-defined settings, and otherwise fall back to the default values.

API Reference

Grapple settings


A list/tuple of the apps that Grapple will scan for models to generate GraphQL types that adopt their structure.

Default: []


By default, all field and argument names will be converted from snake_case to camelCase. To disable this behavior, set the GRAPPLE['AUTO_CAMELCASE'] setting to False.

Default: True


By default, Grapple will add /graphql URL to where you can make GET/POST GraphQL requests. When GRAPPLE['EXPOSE_GRAPHIQL'] is set to True, the /graphiql URL is also added to provide access to the GraphiQL user interface.

Default: False

Renditions settings


To prevent arbitrary renditions from being generated, set GRAPPLE['ALLOWED_IMAGE_FILTERS'] in your settings to a list or tuple of allowed filters. Read more about generating renditions in the Wagtail docs (Generating renditions in Python and How to use images in templates)

Default: None


    # ...

Note that the srcSet attribute on ImageObjectType generates width-* filters, so if in use consider adding the relevant filters to the allowed list.

Rich text settings


Controls the RichText field and the RichTextBlock StreamField block output. Read more about the Wagtail rich text data format in the Wagtail docs (Rich text internals). Set to raw to return the database representation.

Note: the RichTextBlock rawValue output will always be the database representation.

Default: html

Search settings


When set to True, Grapple will log search queries so that Wagtail can suggest promoted results.

Default: False

Pagination settings


Used as default for both the limit argument for QuerySetList and the perPage argument for PaginatedQuerySet.

Default: 10


Limit the maximum number of items that QuerySetList and PaginatedQuerySet types return.

Default: 100

Wagtail Page interface


Used to construct the schema for Wagtail Page-derived models. It can be overridden to provide a custom interface for all page models.

Default: grapple.types.pages.PageInterface