Interfaces ========== Out of the box, Grapple generates the schema with the following GraphQL interfaces: - ``PageInterface`` for Wagtail ``Page`` models - ``StreamFieldInterface`` for Wagtail ``StreamField`` block models ``PageInterface`` ----------------- The default GraphQL interface for all Wagtail ``Page``-derived models. This is accessible through the ``pages`` or ``page`` field on the root query type. The interface exposes the following fields, following the Wagtail Page model fields and properties: :: id: ID url: String slug: String depth: Int pageType: String title: String seoTitle: String seoDescription: String showInMenus: Boolean contentType: String parent: PageInterface children(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] siblings(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] nextSiblings(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] previousSiblings(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] descendants(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] ancestors(limit: PositiveInt, offset: PositiveInt, order: String, searchQuery: String, id: ID): [PageInterface] Any custom ``graphql_fields`` added to your specific Page models will be available here via the 'on' spread operator and the name of the model: :: query { pages { ...on BlogPage { the_custom_field } } } You can change the default ``PageInterface`` to your own interface by changing the :ref:`PAGE_INTERFACE` setting. As mentioned above there is both a plural ``pages`` and singular ``page`` field on the root Query type that returns a ``PageInterface``. The plural ``pages`` field (as do all plural fields) accepts the following arguments: :: id: ID limit: PositiveInt offset: PositiveInt order: String searchQuery: String contentType: String # comma separated list of content types in app.Model notation inSite: Boolean ancestor: PositiveInt # ID of ancestor page to restrict results to parent: PositiveInt # ID of parent page to restrict results to The singular ``page`` field accepts the following arguments: :: id: ID # Can be used on it's own slug: String # Can be used on it's own urlPath: String # Can be used on it's own token: String # Must be used with one of the others. Usually contentType contentType: String # Can be used on it's own inSite: Boolean # Can be used on it's own ``StreamFieldInterface`` ------------------------ ``StreamFieldInterface`` is the default interface for all Wagtail StreamField block models. It exposes the following fields, following the base fields and properties available to the Wagtail StreamField blocks: :: id: ID blockType: String! field: String! rawValue: String! Note that blocks subclassing `StreamBlock `_ and `StructBlock `_ have an additional property in the interface: :: blocks: [StreamFieldInterface!]! # a list of blocks in the StreamBlock or StructBlock Adding your own interfaces -------------------------- To add additional interfaces to your model, define the ``graphql_interfaces`` attribute on it. The attribute can be a list of interfaces (``graphql_interfaces = [MyInterface]``) or a tuple (``graphql_interfaces = (MyInterface, )``). Given the following example interface: .. code-block:: python # from .interfaces import CustomInterface class CustomInterface(graphene.Interface): custom_field = graphene.String() you could add it to your Page model like so: .. code-block:: python from wagtail.models import Page class MyPage(Page): # ... graphql_interfaces = (CustomInterface,) or any Django model: .. code-block:: python # from django.db import models class MyModel(models.Model): # ... graphql_interfaces = (CustomInterface,) or a ``StreamField`` block: .. code-block:: python # from wagtail.core import blocks class MyStructBlock(blocks.StructBlock): # ... graphql_interfaces = (CustomInterface,) The provided interfaces will be added to the base interfaces for the model.